International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology - Vol. 9 , No. 3

[ Article ]
International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology - Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 7-22
ISSN: 2234-0068 (Print) 2287-187X (Online)
Print publication date 30 Sep 2019
Received 15 Aug 2018 Revised 27 Jul 2019 Accepted 29 Aug 2019

Ranking of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu using WISER and PRIMOEX: An Analytical Study
S. Dhanavandan* ; J. Varadharajalu**
*Deputy Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Central Library, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur-610005, India (
**Assistant Librarian, Central Library at VIT at VIT University, India (


This Study examines and explores through a web metric ranking analysis of the websites of 22 state universities in Tamil Nadu. It discussed the domain systems of the websites; WISER Web ranking for the year 2016 and 2017. Similarly, the researchers manipulated a new ranking tools for ranking the websites of State universities of Tamil Nadu, According to WISER ranking, Anna University is ranked first with 2469.4 WISER value followed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University which is ranked second with 4031.4 WISER value. University of Madras is ranked third with 4333.8 WISER values in the year 2017. But when we used the PRIMOEX ranking, Anna University is ranked first with 3653.3 PRIMOEX value followed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University which is ranked second with 4090.6 PRIMOEX value. Madurai Kamaraj University is ranked third with 4136.1 PRIMOEX values. Alagappa University is ranked fourth with 4956.1 PRIMOEX value and Alagappa University with 6001.9 PRIMOEX value is ranked fifth. It found that PRIMOEX good tool to measure the ranking of websites of state universities of Tamil Nadu.

Keywords: Webometric Analysis, Ranking of Websites, WISER, PRIMOEX, State Universities, Tamil Nadu

1. Introduction

Metric studies when applied on the information provide more insights about the information. The metric studies help to identify the knowledge gap in a particular field. It provides new ideas about the information and promotes new researches. Metric studies are the boon to the library and information science which gives information about information and the metric study field in library and information science will definitely evolve more in the future. The websites of institutions have become one of the main sources of information in academic and research activities. In terms of research, educational institutions’ websites can announce the existence and promote the achievements of individuals, research groups, institutions and departments. They can also disseminate findings, either by hosting online articles or publishing summaries, data sets or tools. The pages themselves can be created centrally, by administrators or webmasters, or logically by individuals for themselves or their research team projects. Potential benefits of an effective web presence include greater research impact, attracting students, media interest and commercial contacts.

2. Webometrics & Literature Review
2.1 Webometrics

The Webometrics defined as using the techniques of bibliometric in order to study the relationship of different sites on the World Wide Web. Such techniques may also be used to map out areas of the Web that appear to be most useful or influential, based on the number of times they are hyperlinked to other Web sites. The methods of webometrics are;

According to Björneborn and Ingwersen (2004), the Webometrics study covers the construction side and usage side of the web and it focus on the four main areas such as:

  • • Web page content analysis, Web link structure analysis (e.g. Hyperlink, Self link, External link and Inlink);
  • • Web usage analysis (e.g. exploiting log files for users searching and browsing behaviour); and
  • • Web technology analysis (including search engine performance).

Therefore, Webometrics is the quantitative study of web-related phenomena, originated in the realisation that methods originally designed for bibliometric analysis.

2.2 Literature Review

Huntington, Nicholas, and Jamali (2008) explained that Metrics derived from user visits or sessions provide a means of evaluating Websites and an important insight into online information seeking behaviour. The authors argued that page time distribution is composed of a number of quite separate view time distributions because of the marked differences in view times between pages. The web application of product, usage and development of document-centric, interactive usability, Graphic User Interfaces had been explained by Kastania and Zimeras (2010). They classified the websites by three methods such as the web typology or digital business models, the ‘stages of development’ models and the use of scoring system. Each had been explained with its stages and sub methods. Moreover, the usability of web applications by response times, interaction efficiency, colours, text layout page structure, navigation structure, multiculturalism etc had been brought out. The exploratory methods, analytic methods and experimental method had been specified to evaluate the usability of web application.

Bowler, Hong, and He (2011) analyzed the Six Health Websites’ Visibility in order to know about website which had provided reliable health information. Google webmaster tool was used to gather inlinks and were classified by the type of creator. The study found that the weak network of inlinks led to lost opportunity to the health care people, to young people. Also, it generated that the Google webmaster inlink tool did not guaranteed for 100 percent coverage and some inlinks were not captured by the tool. Iroaganachi et al. (2016) assessed the quantity of research publication within the period, top ten published universities, fields, journals and their impact factors, cited authors, and top ten published countries. This was with a view to determining author relevance, institutional priority, the extent of sustainable development in the fields and host countries.

Govindarajan and Dhanavandan (2016) Found that the analysis gives interesting insights about the associations’ websites. All India Ophthalmic Society (AIOS) is the most popular website and is in the first place among all the associations’ website. It holds the global rank of 965269. Chandigarh Ophthalmologist website holds the highest bounce rate of 82.0. Thelwall et al. (2016) analyses a range of altmetric and webometric indicators in terms of suitability for funding scheme evaluations, compares them to traditional indicators and reports some statistics derived from a pilot study with Welcome Trust-associated publications. It founds that the dome alternative indicators have advantages to usefully complement scientometric data by reflecting a different type of impact or through being available before citation data. Varadharajalu and Dhanavandan (2017) discusses why External Web Impact Factor (EWIF) is more meaningful than simple WIF. The study also attempts the websites of Telangana State Universities by considering website ranking systems and compares the WIF and EWIF. It found that the Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University ranked 1 (0.0040%) in Selflink Web Impact Factor of State University Websites in Telangana. Palamuru University, and Satavahana University shares 2nd (0.0031) rank in Self Link Web Impact Factor. The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University ranked as first (0.0007) in External Link Web Impact Factor.

3. Methodology

The main aim of this study is to examine the 22 websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu. The relevant data collected from Alexa, Webometrics, SEO Tools and Google page ranking. It identifies the web domains, WISER and PRIMOEX ranking for the year 2016 and 2017 web ranking. The SPSS were used for the analysis.

3.1 Study Area

This study discusses about the ranking websites of State Universities (Government only) in Tamil Nadu which using the WISER and PRIMOEX. There are various tools are available to measure the websites. There are more number of higher educational intuitions are available in India. Particularly in Tamil Nadu has huge number of higher educational institutions like Central Universities, State Government Universities, Deemed Universities, Technical institutions and others. In these circumstances, the universities are needed to more visibility and attraction by the way of using websites. This study aimed at to examine the 22 websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu. Therefore, it is necessary to rank the websites of educational institutions in the context of competition among them due to privatization of education. The approach taken will be called ranking of websites which covers other quantitative measures like WISER and PRIMOEX.

3.2 Objectives of the Study

The major objectives of the study are:

  • 1. To explore the existence of website of State Universities in Tamil Nadu.
  • 2. To identify the domain name preferred by the State Universities.
  • 3. To identify the types of domain preferred by the State Universities in Tamil Nadu.
  • 4. To know the visibility and connectivity of website using WISER Rank
  • 5. To provide a rank using PRIMOEX
3.3 Scope and Limitation

There are 22 websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu are alone taken up for the study. The advanced search facility of Alexa Web ranking tool, Webometrics web ranking and Small SEO Tools are used for data collection. The relevant data were collected during the period in 2017. Since the data were dynamic in nature. The Central Universities, Private Universities & Deemed Universities in Tamil Nadu are excluded.

4. Results and Discussion
4.1 State Universities in Tamil Nadu

The University Grants Commission and the State Councils should develop coordinate methods to keep a watch on standards. It is in pursuance of this significant recommendation of the National Education Policy that the Government of Tamil Nadu established a State Council for Higher Education by the Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education (TANSCHE) Act. This statutory body started functioning from 9th November 1992. The total number of Universities functioning in the State was 59. Comprising the State Universities 22 and Private Deemed Universities 29. The following Table 1 gives the detailed list of 22 State Universities of Tamil Nadu and their URL address.

Table 1. 
State Universities in Tamil Nadu
S. No. Name of the University URL Address Year of Estd
1. Alagappa University 1985
2. Anna University 1978
3. Annamalai University 1929
4. Bharathiar University 1982
5. Bharathidasan University 1982
6. Madurai Kamraj University 1965
7. Manonmaniam Sundarnar University 1990
8. Mother Teresa Women’s University 1984
9. Periyar University 1997
10. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 1971
11. Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University 1997
12. Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University 1987
13. Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 2012
14. Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University 2013
15. Tamil Nadu National Law School 2012
16. Tamil Nadu Open University 2002
17. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University 2005
18. Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University 2008
19. Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University 1989
20. Tamil University 1981
21. Thiruvalluvar University 2002
22. University of Madras 1857

4.2 URL Domain of the Universities in Tamil Nadu

The URL domain of the universities were analysed irrespective of website domain. The web domain were identified in under seven category such as ‘’, ‘.edu’, ‘’, ‘.in’, ‘.info’, ‘’ and ‘.org’. The same has been shown in Table 2.

Table 2. 
URL Domain of the State Universities in Tamil Nadu
S. No Domain No. of Universities Percentage
1. 15 68.18
2. .edu 1 4.55
3. 0 0.00
4. .in 3 13.64
5. .info 0 0.00
6. 1 4.55
7. .org 2 9.09
Total 22 100

Table 2 states the URL domain wise distribution of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu. It is understood from the table, that most of the State Universities are using ‘’ 15 (68.18%) higher than the other domains. The second highest domain ‘’ used by 3 (13.64%) the universities and 2 (9.09%) Universities are using the domain ‘.org’ in their Website.

4.3 Discipline wise State Universities in Tamil Nadu

The state universities were analysed irrespective of subject discipline of universities. The discipline were classified such as ‘.Arts Science’, ‘.Engineering & Technology’, ‘Medical’, and Others and it has been shown in Table 3.

Table 3. 
Discipline wise State Universities in Tamil Nadu
Sl. No. Discipline No. of Universities Percentage
1. Arts & Science 12 54.55
2. Engg. & Technology 1 4.55
3. Medical 1 4.55
4. Others 8 36.36
Total 22 100

The Table 3 shows the subject Discipline wise State Universities in Tamil Nadu. Among the 22, 12 (54.55%) universities comes under ‘Arts & Science’ and 8 (36.36%) universities are in ‘Others’ category which consists of Sports, Education, Agriculture, Music & others. It is pointed out from the table, equally one university from Medical and Engineering & Technology discipline.

4.4 WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2016

According to WISER Ranking method, we have taken the four indicators namely Presence (P), Impact (I), Openness (O) and Excellence (E) are collected and different weight age have been given to each indicator to calculate the rank. In this section the WISER Ranking analysis of web sites of universities in Tamil Nadu is analyzed.

Webometric Rank (WR) = 0.1*Presence P+0.5*Impact+0.1*Openness+0.3*Excellence

The WISER ranking analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for the year 2016 were analyzed in the Table 4.

Table 4. 
WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu -2016
S. No. Name of the University Presence Impact Openness Excellence WISER Value Rank
1. Anna University 6582 1825 1001 725 1888.3 1
2. Annamalai University 5558 4196 1817 1034 3145.7 2
3. University of Madras 11365 3751 1578 1539 3631.5 3
4. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 4484 4325 2656 2744 3699.7 4
5. Bharathidasan University 10413 4781 1573 1514 4043.3 5
6. Alagappa University 4083 5961 2180 1892 4174.4 6
7. Bharathiar University 15949 4548 1184 1352 4392.9 7
8. Madurai Kamaraj University 18108 5695 4121 1597 5549.5 8
9. Periyar University 15098 6950 2268 2121 5847.9 9
10. Tamil Nadu Open University 8427 6317 4121 5824 6160.5 10
11. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 18286 7440 2432 2602 6572.4 11
12. Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University 5438 10457 4121 5824 7931.6 12
13. Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University 15918 8804 4121 5824 8153.1 13
14. Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 15551 10754 4121 3887 8510.3 14
15. Thiruvalluvar University 17596 9937 4121 4952 8625.8 15
16. Tamil University 14581 10117 4121 5824 8675.9 16
17. Mother Teresa Women’s University 16708 11736 4121 3967 9141.0 17
18. Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University 19455 11671 4121 5824 9940.3 18
19. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University 21166 13244 4121 5824 10897.9 19
20. Tamil Nadu National Law School 20753 17657 4121 5824 13063.1 20
21. Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 15416 18765 4121 5824 13083.4 21
22. Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University N/A N/A N/A N/A - -

Table 4 depicts the WISER ranking of websites of state universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2016. According to WISER ranking, Anna University is ranked first with 1888.3 WISER value followed by Annamalai University which is ranked second with 3145.7 WISER value. University of Madras is ranked third with 3631.5 WISER values. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University is ranked fourth with 3699.7 WISER values and Bharathidasan University with 4043.3 WISER value is ranked fifth. It is also observed that Tamil Nadu National Law School and Tamil Nadu Fisheries University occupy the last two ranks with 13063.1 and 13083.4 WISER value respectively. No data for the Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University in the respective sources.

4.5 WISER Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2016

The classification of WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of Universities in Tamil Nadu the overall for the year 2016 were analysed and the same has been shown in Table 5. The WISER Ranking Value were categorized under six different values are such as 0001-5000, 5001-10000, 10001-15000, and 15001and above.

Table 5. 
WISER Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2016
S. No. WISER Value Universities Percentage
1. 0001-5000 7 31.82
2. 5001-10000 11 50.00
3. 10001-15000 3 13.64
4. 15001 and above 0 0.00
5. No Data 1 4.55
Total 22 100

Table 5 describes the classification of WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2016. Among the 22 universities, 7 (31.82%) universities WISER value is below 5000 and 11 (50.00%) Universities have WISER Value from 5001 to 10000 is higher than other WISER values of ranking. Followed by 3 (13.64%) universities WISER Value ranking is 10001 to 15000. For 1 (4.55%) University have no data from the sources among the website in the state universities in Tamil Nadu for year of 2016.

4.6 WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2017

The WISER ranking analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for the year 2017 were analyzed in the Table 6.

Table 6. 
WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu - 2017
S. No. Name of the University Presence Impact Openness Excellence WISER Value Rank
1. Anna University 6107 3067 1092 720 2469.4 1
2. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 4467 5003 2651 2727 4031.4 2
3. University of Madras 12383 4955 1590 1530 4333.8 3
4. Annamalai University 6018 6395 2638 1028 4371.5 4
5. Madurai Kamaraj University 2562 7857 2977 1588 4958.8 5
6. Bharathidasan University 11354 7130 1598 1506 5312.0 6
7. Bharathiar University 15620 6973 1169 1345 5568.9 7
8. Alagappa University 6959 8650 2177 1879 5802.3 8
9. Periyar University 15404 9305 2342 2106 7058.9 9
10. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 16531 10546 2491 2584 7950.4 10
11. Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 15461 10883 4221 3860 8567.7 11
12. Tamil Nadu Open University 14230 10055 8100 5778 8993.9 12
13. Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University 7397 11578 7357 5778 8997.8 13
14. Mother Teresa Women’s University 17594 12492 8635 3939 10050.6 14
15. Thiruvalluvar University 18096 13058 6316 4916 10445.0 15
16. Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University 16531 12567 8635 5778 10533.5 16
17. Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University 18096 12802 8635 5778 10807.5 17
18. Tamil University 14983 13802 8635 5778 10996.2 18
19. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University 20912 14369 8635 5778 11872.6 19
20. Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 15701 17986 8635 5778 13160.0 20
21. Tamil Nadu National Law School 19388 17326 8635 5778 13198.7 21
22. Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University N/A N/A N/A N/A

Table 6 shows the WISER ranking of websites of state universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2017. According to WISER ranking, Anna University is ranked first with 2469.4 WISER value followed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University which is ranked second with 4031.4 WISER value. University of Madras is ranked third with 4333.8 WISER values. Annamalai University is ranked fourth with 4371.5 WISER value and Madurai Kamaraj University with 4958.8 WISER value is ranked fifth. It is also observed that Tamil Nadu Fisheries University and Tamil Nadu National Law School occupy the last two ranks with 13160.0 and 13198.7 WISER value respectively. No data for the Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University in the respective sources.

4.7 WISER Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu – 2017

The classification of WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu the overall for the year 2017 were analyzed and the same has been shown in Table 7. The WISER Ranking Value were categorized under six different values are such as 0001-5000, 5001-10000, 10001-15000, and 15001and above.

Table 7. 
WISER Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2017
S. No. WISER Value No. of Universities Percentage
1. 0001-5000 5 22.72
2. 5001-10000 8 36.36
3. 10001-15000 8 36.36
4. 15001 and above 0 0
5. No Data 1 4.54
Total 22 100

Table 7 describes the classification of WISER Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 20176. Among the 22 universities, 8 (36.36%) universities are equally in the WISER value is below 5000 and 5001 to 10000 and 10001-15000 is higher than other WISER values of ranking. And 5 (22.72%) universities are in below 5000 WISER value. Followed by 3 (13.64%) universities WISER Value ranking is 10001 to 15000. For 1 (4.55%) University have no data from the sources among the website in the state universities in Tamil Nadu for year of 2017.

4.8 PRIMOEX Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2016

According to PRIMOEX Ranking method, we have taken the four indicators namely Presence (P), Impact (I), Openness (O) and Excellence (E) are collected and different weightage have been given to each indicator to calculate the rank. In this section the PRIMOEX Ranking analysis of websites of universities in Tamil Nadu is and the data has been presented

Webometric Rank (WR) = 0.4*Presence +0.3*Imapct+0.2*Openness O+0.1* Excellence

The PRIMOEX ranking analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for the year 2016 were analyzed in the Table 8.

Table 8. 
PRIMOEX Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu -2016
S. No. Name of the University Presence Impact Openness Excellence WISER Value Rank
1. Anna University 6582 1825 1001 725 3453.0 1
2. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 4484 4325 2656 2744 3896.7 2
3. Annamalai University 5558 4196 1817 1034 3948.8 3
4. Alagappa University 4083 5961 2180 1892 4046.7 4
5. Bharathidasan University 10413 4781 1573 1514 6065.5 5
6. University of Madras 11365 3751 1578 1539 6140.8 6
7. Tamil Nadu Open University 8427 6317 4121 5824 6672.5 7
8. Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University 5438 10457 4121 5824 6718.9 8
9. Bharathiar University 15949 4548 1184 1352 8116.0 9
10. Periyar University 15098 6950 2268 2121 8789.9 10
11. Madurai Kamaraj University 18108 5695 4121 1597 9935.6 11
12. Tamil University 14581 10117 4121 5824 10274.1 12
13. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 18286 7440 2432 2602 10293.0 13
14. Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University 15918 8804 4121 5824 10415.0 14
15. Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 15551 10754 4121 3887 10659.5 15
16. Thiruvalluvar University 17596 9937 4121 4952 11338.9 16
17. Mother Teresa Women’s University 16708 11736 4121 3967 11424.9 17
18. Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University 19455 11671 4121 5824 12689.9 18
19. Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 15416 18765 4121 5824 13202.5 19
20. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University 21166 13244 4121 5824 13846.2 20
21. Tamil Nadu National Law School 20753 17657 4121 5824 15004.9 21
22. Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University - - - - - -

Table 8 indicates the PRIMOEX ranking of websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2016. According to PRIMOEX ranking, Anna University is ranked first with 3453.0 PRIMOEX value followed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University which is ranked second with 3896.7 PRIMOEX value. Annamalai University is ranked third with 3948.8 PRIMOEX values. Alagappa University is ranked fourth with 4046.7 PRIMOEX value and University of Madras with 6140.8 PRIMOEX value is ranked fifth. It is also observed that Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University and Tamil Nadu National Law School occupy the last two ranks with 13846.2 and 15004.9 PRIMOEX value respectively.

4.9 PRIMOEX Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for the year 2016

The classification of Inlinks PRIMOEX Ranking Analysis of Websites of Universities in Tamil Nadu the overall for the year 2016 were analyzed and the same has been shown in Table 9. The PRIMOEX Ranking Value were categorized under six different values are such as 0001-5000, 5001-10000, 10001-15000, and 15001and above.

Table 9. 
PRIMOEX Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2016
S. No. Calculated Rank Tamil Nadu Percentage
1. 0001-5000 5 22.73
2. 5001-10000 7 31.82
3. 10001-15000 9 40.90
4. 15001 and above 1 4.55
5. No Data 0 0
Total 22 100

Table 9 describes the classification of PRIMOEX Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2016. Among the 22 universities, 5 (22.73%) universities PRIMOEX value is below 5000 and 7 (31.82%) Universities have PRIMOEX Value from 10000 to 15000 is higher than other PRIMOEX values of ranking. Followed by 9 (40.90%) universities PRIMOEX Value ranking is between 10001to 15000 and 1 (4.55%) university is in above 15000.

4.10 PRIMOEX Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2017

The PRIMOEX ranking analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for the year 2017 were analyzed in the Table 10.

Table 10. 
PRIMOEX Ranking Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu – 2017
S. No. Name of the University Presence Impact Openness Excellence Calculated Rank Rank
1. Anna University 6107 3067 1092 720 3653.3 1
2. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 4467 5003 2651 2727 4090.6 2
3. Madurai Kamaraj University 2562 7857 2977 1588 4136.1 3
4. Annamalai University 6018 6395 2638 1028 4956.1 4
5. Alagappa University 6959 8650 2177 1879 6001.9 5
6. University of Madras 12383 4955 1590 1530 6910.7 6
7. Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University 11354 11578 7357 5778 8481.4 7
8. Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University 7397 11578 7357 5778 8481.4 8
9. Bharathiar University 15620 6973 1169 1345 8708.2 9
10. Periyar University 15404 9305 2342 2106 9632.1 10
11. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 16531 10546 2491 2584 10532.8 11
12. Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 15461 10883 4221 3860 10679.5 12
13. Tamil Nadu Open University 14230 10055 8100 5778 10906.3 13
14. Tamil University 14983 13802 8635 5778 12438.6 14
15. Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University 16531 12567 8635 5778 12687.3 15
16. Mother Teresa Women’s University 17594 12492 8635 3939 12906.1 16
17. Thiruvalluvar University 18096 13058 6316 4916 12910.6 17
18. Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University 18096 12802 8635 5778 13383.8 18
19. Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 15701 17986 8635 5778 13981.0 19
20. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University 20912 14369 8635 5778 14980.3 20
21. Tamil Nadu National Law School 19388 17326 8635 5778 15257.8 21
22. Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University 0.0

Table 10 describes the PRIMOEX ranking of websites of state universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2017. According to PRIMOEX ranking, Anna University is ranked first with 3653.3 PRIMOEX value followed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University which is ranked second with 4090.6 PRIMOEX value. Madurai Kamaraj University is ranked third with 4136.1 PRIMOEX values. Alagappa University is ranked fourth with 4956.1 PRIMOEX value and Alagappa University with 6001.9 PRIMOEX value is ranked fifth. It is also observed that Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University and Tamil Nadu National Law School occupy the last two ranks with 14980.3 and 15257.8 PRIMOEX value respectively. No data for the Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University in the respective sources.

4.11 PRIMOEX Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2017

The classification of Inlinks PRIMOEX Ranking Analysis of Websites of Universities in in Tamil Nadu the overall for the year 2017 were analyzed and the same has been shown in Table 11. The PRIMOEX Ranking Value were categorized under six different values are such as 0001-5000, 5001-10000, 10001-15000, and 15001and above.

Table 11. 
PRIMOEX Value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2017
S. No. Calculated Rank Tamil Nadu Percentage
1. 0001-5000 4 18.18
2. 5001-10000 6 27.27
3. 10001-15000 10 45.45
4. 15001and above 1 4.55
5. No Data 1 4.55
Total 22 (23.16)

Table 11 describes the classification of PRIMOEX value Analysis of Websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2017. Among the 22 universities, 4 18.18%) universities PRIMOEX value is below 5000 and 6 (27.27%) Universities have PRIMOEX Value between 5000 and 10000 is higher than other PRIMOEX values of ranking. The 10 (45.45%) Universities are has PRIMOEX Value between 10001 and 15000 is higher than other PRIMOEX values of ranking. Followed by 1 (4.55%) university PRIMOEX Value ranking is 15001 and above. And only one University has no data from the sources among the website in the state universities in Tamil Nadu for year of 2017.

4.12 WISER Vs PRIMOEX Ranking of Websites or 2016 and 2017: Overall Rank

The WISER Vs PRIMOEX ranking of Websites of the State Universities in Tamil Nadu for year 2016 & 2017 overall rank were analyzed and the same has been shown in Table 12.

Table 12. 
WISER Vs PRIMOEX Overall Ranking for 2016 and 2017
S. No. Name of the University WISER PRIMOEX Overall
Rank 2016 Rank 2017 Rank 2016 Rank 2017
1. Anna University 1 1 1 1 1
2. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 4 2 2 2 2
3. University of Madras 3 3 6 6 4
4. Annamalai University 2 4 3 4 3
5. Madurai Kamaraj University 8 5 11 3 8
6. Bharathidasan University 5 6 5 7 5
7. Bharathiar University 7 7 9 9 9
8. Alagappa University 6 8 4 5 7
9. Periyar University 9 9 10 10 10
10. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 11 10 13 11 13
11. Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 14 11 15 12 14
12. Tamil Nadu Open University 10 12 7 13 12
13. Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University 12 13 8 8 11
14. Mother Teresa Women’s University 17 14 17 16 17
15. Thiruvalluvar University 15 15 16 17 16
16. Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University 13 16 14 15 15
17. Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University 18 17 18 18 18
18. Tamil University 16 18 12 14 15
19. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University 19 19 20 20 19
20. Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 21 20 19 19 20
21. Tamil Nadu National Law School 20 21 21 21 21
22. Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University 0 0 0 0 0

Table 12 describes the WISER Vs PRIMOEX ranking of Websites of the State Universities in Tamil Nadu for year 2016 & 2017 overall rank. Among the 22 universities, Anna University retains the first rank in WISER Vs PRIMOX and overall web ranking for the year 2016 and 2017. The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and Annamalai University are sharing the second overall rank. Tamil Nadu National Law School had the last rank in WISER Vs PRIMOX and overall web ranking for the year 2016 and 2017.

4.13 Comparison WISER Vs PRIMOEX Values of Websites of the State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2017

The WISER Vs PRIMOEX values of Websites of the State Universities in Tamil Nadu for year 2017 were analyzed and the same has been shown in Table 13.

Table 13. 
Comparison WISER Vs PRIMOEX Values of Websites of the State Universities in Tamil Nadu for 2017
S. No. Name of the University WISER PRIMOEX
1. Anna University 2469.4 3653.3
2. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University 4031.4 4090.6
3. Madurai Kamaraj University 4958.8 4136.1
4. Annamalai University 4371.5 4956.1
5. Alagappa University 5802.3 6001.9
6. University of Madras 4333.8 6910.7
7. Bharathidasan University 5312 7150.8
8. Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University 8997.8 8481.4
9. Bharathiar University 5568.9 8708.2
10. Periyar University 7058.9 9632.1
11. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University 7950.4 10532.8
12. Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University 8567.7 10679.5
13. Tamil Nadu Open University 8993.9 10906.3
14. Tamil University 10996.2 12438.6
15. Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University 10533.5 12687.3
16. Mother Teresa Women’s University 10050.6 12906.1
17. Thiruvalluvar University 10445 12910.6
18. Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University 10807.5 13383.8
19. Tamil Nadu Fisheries University 13160 13981
20. Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University 11872.6 14980.3
21. Tamil Nadu National Law School 13198.7 15257.8
22. Tamil Nadu Music and Fine Arts University 0 0

Table 13 describes the Comparison WISER Vs PRIMOEX and web ranking them with the PRIMOEX Values of Websites of the State Universities in Tamil Nadu for the 2017. Comparing with the WISER value with PRIMOEX value the PRIMOEX value is higher than WISER value. Among the 22 universities, all the universities are having more value PRIMOES when comparing the WISER value. When we need a great visibility of the university websites definitely, we must use to use for measuring the PRIMOEX value of ranking. SO, the above shows the value and excellence of the websites of all state universities in Tamil Nadu.

5. Conclusion

The sum up of the ranking of the analysis of the websites of State Universities in Tamil Nadu, while using the WISER and PRIMOEX method it will create the more excellence of the visibility and performance. This study facilitates to know the various ranking standards of websites. The various techniques have been used to rank the websites such as Web Link Structure Analysis, Web Impact Factor, Web ranking, Google Page Rank and Alexa information on Websites for Ranking, WISER Ranking and PRIMOEX Ranking that facilitate the ranking of websites of the State Universities in the Tamil Nadu. As we the library professionals, must create the knowledge and awareness of the PRIMOEX method of the web ranking analysis.

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[ About the authors ]

S. is working as Deputy Librarian, Central Library at Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur-610005, Before joining in CUTN, he served as University Assistant Librarian at ‘The Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University’, Gandhigram – 624 302, He has completed M.A. B.Ed., (Economics) DLL & AL., (Law), M.L.I.S, M.Phil, and Ph.D (LIS) in Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. He is having more than twenty-one years in the Library and Information Science profession. Six Ph.D degrees were awarded under his guidance. He has published more than 135 articles in National and International Journals and more than 155 papers presented and published in National and International Conferences. He authored more than 33 books in Library and Information Science and 60 Chapters in edited books. He has attended more than 60 Seminars/Workshops and training programmes. He served as Chairperson and Resource Person in many workshops, conferences and also organized fourteen workshops and conferences. He has adjudicated Ten Ph.D theses. He is life of member of SALIS, ALA and MALA.

J. is working as Sr.Assistant Librarian, Central Library at VIT University, Vellore. He did his Ph.D (LIS) in Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram-624302, Tamil Nadu.. He is having more than twenty 2 years of experience in the Library and Information Science profession. He has published more than 10 articles in National and International Journals and more than 25 papers presented and published in National and International Conferences. He authored more than 1 book in Library and Information Science and 5Chapters in edited books. He has attended more than 20 Seminars/Workshops and training programmes.