
The International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology (IJKCDT) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, publishing original research, reports, reviews and commentaries on all areas about content development and related technology. IJKCDT publishes original papers and review articles focusing on discussions centered on the library and knowledge content industries, as well as collaboration between scholars and experts in various fields around the world. By submission of a manuscript an author certifies that the work is original and is not being considered simultaneously by another publisher.

Currently, authors who contribute to IJKCDT are exempt from publishing, screening, and subscription fees.

The IJKCDT is quarterly journal(Issued in 31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December).


  · Knowledge content development and utilization
  · Development of knowledge content construction technology and application to the field
  · Seeking ways to utilize knowledge content
  · The international ripple effect of knowledge content.
  · Examples of application of knowledge content construction technology and achievements
  · Library and Information Science and Knowledge Contents
  · The meaning of knowledge content in the library
  · How to spread knowledge content internationally

 Articles that do not meet the journal's scope are classified as “subject incongruity” and are requested to be re-submitted.

IJKCDT is Knowledge content development and utilization, Development of knowledge content construction technology and application to the field, Seeking ways to utilize knowledge content, The international ripple effect of knowledge content, Examples of application of knowledge content construction technology and achievements, Library and Information Science and As a journal dealing with articles related to Knowledge Contents, The meaning of knowledge content in the library, How to spread knowledge content internationally it is consistent with the standards accepted in the library and information science community and content science.

Contribution to the Field

1) The possibility of contribution to the academic field development

  • - Currently, numerous researchers and field experts are pursuing theoretical research and practical applications in the academic field that generates, manages, and provides knowledge content.
  • - Since its establishment, the Knowledge Contents Research Institute has regularly published the IJKCDT journal, providing researchers at national and foreign institutions the opportunity to submit papers in a stable environment.
  • - To improve the quality of the published articles, various strategies have been implemented, such as active publicity to attract excellent researchers to submit articles and priority selection of reviewers based on the articles reference list. As a visible success of these strategies, the subjects of articles have diversified, and the regional distribution has increased.

2) Utilization of published articles in the academic field (Impact Factor)

  • - The International Scientific Indexing (ISI) regularly evaluates this journal, and provides measures of the Impact Factor (IF) Index.
  • - Since 2013, the IF Index evaluated by ISI has steadily increased. The initial IF was 0.651, and it grew to 0.812 and 1.109 in subsequent years.
  • - The Impact Factor corresponding to 2019-2020 was recently assessed by ISI and reported continued growth with a value of 1.356.
  • - Based on the continuous increase of the IF index, it can be seen that the possibility of developing this journal is very high.

3) The academic value of a published article

  • (1) Ensuring the quality of published articles through a rigorous and efficient peer review process.

    - The articles published in the academic journal must undergo strict examination by three reviewers, and the editor-in-chief decides to publish the paper after the final review.

    - Moreover, the quality of the published articles is being verified as being cited by overseas researchers.

  • (2) The subjects of the published articles are important in their field of study.

    - This journal deals with relatively broad topics that have become an issue in literature and information academia.

  • (3) Different information is presented to authors through the website.

    - The editor information is provided to improve the reliability of the academic journal.

    - The website provides detailed information on the aims and scope of the journal, submission guidelines, and review process. These are efforts to present clear instructions to improve the academic content and technical form of submitted articles.

  • (4) Through the editing process, the quality level of the content and format of the paper are improved.

Our journal is peer-reviewed and open-access, and as such we have been indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar, CrossRef, EBSCO and so on.

  · Homepage : http://ijkcdt.net
 · ISI(International Sciencefic Indexing) : http://isindexing.com/isi/journaldetails.php?id=743
 · Crossref : http://search.crossref.org/?q=international+journal+of+knowledge+content+development+%26+technology
 · OAK : http://oak.go.kr/central/journallist/journallist.do?journal=10455
 · DBPia : https://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/publicationDetail?publicationId=PLCT00001963
 · DOAJ : https://doaj.org/toc/2287-187X
 · Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.co.kr/scholar?q=International+Journal+of+Knowledge+Content+Development+%26+Technology&hl=ko&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart
 · KoreaScience : https://www.koreascience.or.kr/search.page?keywords=International+Journal+of+Knowledge+Content+Development+%26+Technology&pubYr=2021&pageSize=10&pageNo=2
 · KISTI : http://ocean.kisti.re.kr/IS_mvpopo001P.do?method=multMain&poid=rikcdt&kojic=JSKTBN&free=
 · Informed Librarian Online : http://www.informedlibrarian.com
 · Kpubs : http://www.kpubs.org/journal/journalInfo.kpubs?kojic=JSKTBN
 · DBPia : https://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/publicationDetail?publicationId=PLCT00001963
 · KCI : https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/po/search/poCitaView.kci?sereId=SER000003317&from=sereDetail
 · Korea Science : https://www.koreascience.or.kr/search.page?keywords=International+Journal+of+Knowledge+Content+Development+%26+Technology&pubYr=2021&pageSize=10&pageNo=2
 · ScienceON : https://scienceon.kisti.re.kr/srch/selectPORSrchArticleList.do

This Journal was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government(MOE)